205 research outputs found

    Jaminan dan Fasilitas terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan

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    This study aims to determine the effect of guarantees and facilities on customer satisfaction either partially or simultaneously. The sample in this study was 53 people with a sampling method that was accidental sampling. The analytical method used is a quantitative analysis using the SPSS program. The result of this research is testing the effect of the Assurance variable (X1) on Customer Satisfaction (Y), obtained a Sig value of 0.000 <0.05. They are trying the influence of the Facility variable (X2) on Customer Satisfaction (Y) Sig 0.017 <0.05. The conclusions obtained are as follows: a) Assurance variable (X1) has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction (Y); b) The Facility Variable (X2) has a significant effect on the Customer Satisfaction variable (Y); c) Assurance variable (X1), and Facility (X2) have a significant effect together on the Customer Satisfaction variable (Y). Keywords: Facilities, Guarantee, Customer Satisfactio

    Segmentation of Fingerprint Image Using Block-Wise Coherence Algorithm

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    The Segmentation of fingerprint image is an important step in the fingerprint identification. The objective of the fingerprint image segmentation is to separating the foreground regions from the background regions. Accurate segmentation of fingerprint images influences directly the performance of minutiae extraction like minutiae and singular points. In this paper, an algorithm for the segmentation of fingerprint image is presented. The method uses block-wise coherence. Fingerprint data has been taken from NIST databases 14. The segmentation algorithm has been trained on fingerprints of this database, but not on these particular fingerprints. Human inspection shows that the block-wise coherence algorithm provides satisfactory result

    Weighting Facial Features Extraction using Geometric Average

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    Human facial feature extraction is an important process in the face recognition system. The quality of the results from the extraction of human facial features is determined by the degree of accuracy. The weighting of human facial features is used to test the accuracy of the methods used. This research produces the process of weighting the facial features automatically. The results obtained are the same as those seen by the human eyes. Â

    Gerakan Keagamaan dan Peta Afiliasi Ideologis Pendidikan Islam di Lombok

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    Pendidikan Islam yang sejatinya menjadi wadah keilmuan cenderung lebih merepresentasikan gerakan keagamaan yang menaunginya. Kondisi ini membawa madrasah dan sekolah Islam sebagai instrumen untuk memperkuat eksistensi dan ideologi masing-masing. Kecenderungan ini bersamaan dengan demokratisasi yang dijalankan sejak reformasi 1998, di mana gerakan keagamaan memperoleh ruang dan momentum. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memetakan kecenderungan dinamika pendidikan Islam di Lombok yang direpresentasikan oleh tiga gerakan keagamaan, masing-masing Nahdlatul Wathan, Muhammadiyah dan Salafi. Sesuai fokus kajian, dipandang relevan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologis dijadikan sebagai cognitive framework dalam analisis hasil penelitian. Studi ini mem-buktikan bahwa hubungan kelompok keagamaan dengan pendidikan bersifat dialektis. Keragaman gerakan keagamaan menentukan corak ideologis pendidikan Islam. Sebaliknya, pendidikan Islam berkontribusi dalam memperkuat perbedaan dan jarak antar kelompok keagamaan


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    This study aims to analyze the traditional Islamic practice of Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) in positioning and attaching the religious authority of Tuan Guru or Kyai, which is being challenged by the Salafi purification movement. This also determines the efforts needed to desacralize this authority by the Salafi elite who united by the perception that the sacredness of certain people, including Tuan Guru, is unknown in Islam, and even contradicts Islamic teachings with claims based on the salaf manhaj. Data collected was based on the phenomena from the ideological contestation at the elite level of the two religious groups that affect the pattern of religion and the internal interaction of religious people in Lombok. It was then analyzed using the contestation theory framework operationally formulated by Antje Winner. Based on empirical tendencies, the result showed that the desacralization of religious authority is not solely influenced by theological factors of religious understanding rather by the struggle for the religious authority of religious elites in the public sphere. This indicates the increase in the number of Salafi preachers who carry the purification theme in various mosques and Majlis Taklim, the higher the probability of seeing educational institutions as a new challenge for Tuan Guru to maintain religious authority. The implication is that there is social fragmentation and conflict involving sectarian sentiments of religious groups, where the contestation of religious elites contributes

    Religious moderation without context: critical analysis of Islamic Education textbooks junior high school in Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the value of religious moderation articulated in the textbooks on Islamic Education (PAI) and Morals for Junior High School. A qualitative approach was used using content analysis techniques which carried out by unitizing, sampling, recording/coding, reducing, abductively inferring, and narrating the samples. Furthermore, data validity was conducted through a focus group discussion technique involving experts in the field of moderation and teachers using textbooks. The results found that the content of religious moderation values has not been given proper space in PAI textbooks, although it is considered to be one of the gateways for the spread of radicalism in schools. This tendency is evidently seen in the following, first, the value of anti-violence being surpassed by normatively based dominance of personal morals and fiqh of worship. Second, national values are still neglected, meaning that the concept of islah and deliberation in the arguments cited for this theme has not been further elaborated. Third, the narrative of tolerance presented is very limited. Fourth, the description of local culture is almost forgotten. For example, the Walisongo's contextualization of local culture with Islam, has not been used to elaborate the value of moderation. Therefore, these findings indicate that there is an urgent need to strengthen the values of religious moderation in PAI textbooks used at Junior High School level in Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai moderasi beragama yang diartikulasikan dalam buku teks PAI dan Budi Pekerti SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik content analysis terhadap buku teks yang digunakan di SMP. Tahapan analisis dilakukan melalui unitizing, sampling, recording/coding, reducing, abductively inferring, dan narrating. Keabsahan data dilakukan dengan teknik focus group discussion dengan melibatkan pakar bidang moderasi dan guru pengguna buku teks. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa meski mengutip ayat-ayat al-Qurán yang relevan, namun muatan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama dalam buku teks PAI belum memperoleh ruang yang memadai, bahkan diasumsikan sebagai salah satu pintu masuk penyebaran paham radikal di sekolah. Kecenderungan ini nampak pada: pertama, nilai anti kekerasan terungguli oleh dominasi akhlak personal dan fikih ibadah yang dijelaskan secara normative; Kedua, nilai kebangsaan masih terabaikan. Konsep ishlah dan musyawarah dalam dalil yang dikutip untuk tema ini belum diperdalam penjelasannya; Ketiga, narasi toleransi disajikan sangat terbatas; dan keempat, deskripsi kebudayaan lokal nyaris terlupakan. Kontekstualisasi kebudayaan lokal dengan Islam yang dilakukan Walisongo misalnya tidak dimanfaatkan untuk mengelaborasi nilai moderasi. Implikasi penelitian menunjukkan adanya kebutuhan mendesak penguatan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama dalam buku-buku teks PAI yang digunakan pada tingkat SMP di Indonesia.

    An automatic fingerprint classification technique based on global features

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    Fingerprint classification is an important stage in automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS) because it significantly reduces the processing time to search and retrieve in a large-scale fingerprint database. However, its performance is heavily relied on image quality that comes in various forms such as low contrast, wet, dry, bruise, cuts, stains, etc. This paper proposed an automatic fingerprint classification scheme based on singular points and structural shape of orientation fields. It involves several steps, amongst others: firstly, fingerprint foreground is extracted and then noise patches in the foreground are detected and enhanced. Next, the orientation fields are estimated, and a corrective procedure is performed on the false ones. Afterward, an orientation image is created and singular points are detected. Based on the number of core and delta and their locations, an exclusive membership of the fingerprint can be discovered. Should it fail, the structural shape of the orientation fields neighboring the core or delta is analyzed. The performance of the proposed method is tested using 27,000 fingerprints of NIST Special Database 14. The results obtained are very encouraging with an accuracy rate of 89.31% that markedly outperformed the latest work

    A technique to improve ridge flows of fingerprint orientation fields estimation

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    An accurate estimated fingerprint orientation fields is a significant step for detection of singular points. Gradient-based methods are frequently used for estimating orientation fields but those methods are sensitive to noise. Fingerprints that perfect quality are seldom. They may be corrupted and degraded due to impression conditions or variations on skin. Enhancement of ridge flows improved the structure of orientation fields and hence increased the number of true singular points thereby conducting the overall performance of the classification process. In this paper, we provided discussion on the technique and implementation to improve local ridge flows of fingerprint orientation fields. That main technique have four steps; firstly, fingerprint segmentation; secondly, identification of noise areas and marking; thirdly, estimation of fingerprint orientation fields, and finally, enhancement of ridge flows using minimum variance of the cross centre block direction in squared gradients. A standard fingerprint database is used for testing of proposed technique to verify the tier of effectivity of algorithm. The experimental results suggest that our enhanced algorithm achieves visibly better ridge flows compare to other methods

    Enhanced Ridge Direction for the Estimation of Fingerprint Orientation Fields

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    An accurate estimation of fingerprint orientation fields is an important step in the fingerprint classification process. Gradient-based approaches are often used  for estimating orientation fields of ridge structures but this method is susceptible to noise. Enhancement of ridge direction improves the structure of orientation fields and increases the number of correct features thereby conducing the overall performance of the classification process. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to improve orientation field structures using variance of gradient. That algorithm have two steps; firstly, estimation of fingerprint orientation fields using gradient-based method, and finally, enhancement of ridge direction using minimum variance of the cross center block direction. We have used standard fingerprint database NIST-DB14 for testing of proposed algorithm to verify the degree of efficiency of algorithm. The experiment results suggest that our enhanced algorithm achieves visibly better noise resistance with other methods

    Analisis Kemampuan Laba USAha Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit pada PT. Dian Abdi Nusa di Kabupaten Kutai Barat

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    SAPARUDIN. Faculty Of Economics University 17 August 1945 Samarinda, Analysis Ability Of Income From Operation Seed Coconut of Sawit [At] PT. Oil Lamp Serve Nusa [In] Sub-Province of Kutai West, Under tuition Mr. Prof. Dr. LCA. Robin of Jonathan, MM., M.Si And Father of Heriyanto, SE., MM Intention of this writing is to analyse acquirement of income from operation [at] Coconut seed of Sawit [in] PT. Oil Lamp Serve Nusa [In] Sub-Province of Kutai West year 2010, 2011 and 2012. In line with this writing, hence told solution fundamental " Is perolehasn of coconut seed income from operation of Sawit [at] PT. Oil Lamp Serve Nusa [In] Sub-Province of Kutai West in the year 2010, 2011 and 2012 experiencing of improvement.Pursuant to problems of fundamental, hence raised [by] the following hypothesis : " Ability of profit [at] coconut seed of sawit PT. Oil lamp Serve Nusa [in] Sub-Province of Kutai West in the year 2010, 2011 and 2012 experiencing of improvement". Analyzer which [is] used in this research [is] Ratio ability of profit ( Profitabilitas) with dot weigh against [at] growth of ability of profit of year 2010, 2011 up to 2012.After passing research phase, solution and analysis known that Profitability Company Seen from Net Profit Margin of year 2010 to 2011 increase equal to 7%, while from year 2011 to 2012 experiencing of increase equal to 17%. Becoming conclusion of natural Net Profit Margin [of] improvement or have is effective. Seen from Return On Inverstmen 2010 to 2011 experiencing of increase equal to 33%, while from year 2011 to 2012 experiencing of increase equal to 37%. Becoming conclusion of natural Return On Inverstmen [of] improvement or have is effective. Seen from Return On Equity in the year 2010 equal to 30 , in the year 2011 equal to 38% and in the year 2012 equal to HALTED. CROSSING PARAGRAPH LIMITATION%